Posture and Health

Posture and Health

  • Look younger and feel younger: Good posture can make you look 10 years younger and 10 lbs lighter.
  • Pain Prevention: 65% of the population has forward head posture. Most of those, 90% have neck pain and headaches.
  • Increased height: Correcting bad posture can add up to 2 inches to your height. Bad posture leads to compression of your spine while good posture involves elongation of the spine
  • Improved breathing: increases your breathe volume and ease of breath
  • Increased confidence: confidence radiates as you walk with more ease and grace
  • Mental stress reduction, greater ability for thought and creativity: Proper posture prevents spinal cord tension and imbalances in joints and muscles. When the imbalances are removed the nervous system functions with more ease.  This leads to proper feedback from your body (sensory) which leads to faster reaction speeds, proper muscle and joint function, and a quieting of nervous system.
  • Spiritual: Upright posture is important in presenting a dignified state of existence. You transcend your embarrassment and take pride in being a human being.  When you slouch, you are trying to hide and protect your heart.  When you have good posture your heart is naked, entire being is exposed- to yourself, first of all, but to others as well.

Dr. Dave provides adjustments and exercises that re-educate the nervous system to hold the corrected posture.

Dr Dave is a chiropractor and personal trainer located in Santa Rosa, California who has been helping clients achieve goals of pain relief, injury rehab, and weight loss since 2005.  Click here to learn more about Dr. Dave’s Santa Rosa and Sebastopol Chiropractic Services

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